Queue Management System

How it works
When cashier presses the Next button (Figure 1) in the control panel, two identical copies (containing same token no.) of tokens are printed. Every time Next button is pressed, control panel generates a sequential number. If cashier wants to add a number different from the one generated from the Next button, cashier presses the Clear button and adds the desired number using the keypad.

Display Systems
When goods are ready to be issued for a particular customer transaction, store personnel can type the token number in the control panel and press OK button. That particular token number will display in the LED or 7-Segment display with an alert sound.

Figure 1: Control Panel

1) LED Displays
Type: Moving message display
Size: 0.5x2ft
2) 7-Segment Displays
Type: Numerical Display
Size: 4’high x 4 digits
3) POS Printer
Model: EPSON
Type: Thermal POS printer
Paper size: 2’

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